Before COVID-19 clinical teams were experiencing burnout at an alarming rate. “More than half of U.S. physicians report significant symptoms of burnout — a rate more than twice that among professionals in other fields”. A study published in December 2020, amid the pandemic, reported “healthcare workers are stressed out and stretched too thin: 93% were experiencing stress, 86% reported experiencing anxiety, 77% reported frustration, 76% reported exhaustion and burnout, and 75% said they were overwhelmed.
What is Burnout?
“It is a syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, a feeling of reduced personal accomplishment, loss of work fulfillment, and reduced effectiveness — has serious consequences in terms of both human cost and system inefficiency.”
“Some studies have revealed links between clinician burnout and increased rates of medical errors, malpractice suits, and health care–associated infections. In addition, clinician burnout places a substantial strain on the health care system, leading to losses in productivity and increased costs.”
“The problem is not lack of concern, disagreement about the severity or urgency of the crisis, or absence of will to act. Rather, there is a need to coordinate and synthesize the many ongoing efforts within the health care community and to generate momentum and collective action to accelerate progress. Furthermore, any solution will need to involve key influencers beyond the health care community, such as information technology (IT) vendors, payers, regulators, accreditation agencies, policymakers, and patients.”

How Can Advanced Quality Systems (AQS) Help with Reducing Clinical Burnout?
Automation— AQS has developed a new tool to automate the daily phantom analysis procedures for accreditation certification. This new tool can save your team significant nonproductive time each month and reduce your stress. Evaluate your current processes and installed software solutions to identify processes that can be fully automated. Find our more.
Simplification- AQS Imaging phantom analysis tool, is built around all users being able to complete their assigned tasks with minimal clicks or button strokes. Most tasks, from daily phantom analysis by the technician to producing accreditation reports, is all completed at the push of a button—saving significant time and enabling clinical teams to focus on what’s important—the patient. Look to further eliminate processes and technology that are cumbersome to use. Paper and/or technology solutions that do not streamline your processes should be eliminated. User focused solutions decrease clinicians’ frustration, can reduce the risk of medical errors, and aid in staff productivity. Ideally, medical technology solutions should be “smart”, learning as they are used, and be as simple as a click of a single button.

Enable remote task completion— With AQS your organization can more effectively manage your QC operations remotely, the solution allows for access fo all pertinent QC test data, reports and dashboard status of your operations without the need to be on-site. COVID has showed us that it is possible to do work remotely. While most clinicians can’t work remotely, technology companies have focused in the past six months on enabling tasks to be performed remotely. Initially as a response to infection control protocols, this technology initiative has now changed to focus on making clinical teams more productive. Evaluate your team’s daily tasks and consider which ones can be performed remotely.